Saturday, February 06, 2010

A Study...

I think there might be one study we haven't commissioned yet, but which might prove very valuable. There are people out there who see any and every situation as an opportunity to be offended, cause trouble, and just generally make life miserable. You know the type: they could make Disney World a sad place to be. Their sole purpose in life is stirring up trouble.
I'm thinking if we can identify this gene and neutralize it, we might all be a little better off, no?


  1. You must have watched the Tea Bagger convention :o)

  2. If we could crack that Gene it would indeed be a great breakthrough and we would all be better off ~ Ally x

  3. Sorry to say....I think we are all guilty of that in some degree. ;)

  4. We had a couple like that in our church who ended up causing our church to split. It's very sad because up until then we had a great church. :(
    On a good note, I got to meet two J-Land friends yesterday! Terrie Graham and Celeste Sanders. How great is that? :) Take care!

  5. Bucko, I would gladly have attended one of those "Tea bagger" convention....properly known as a Tea Party Protest.

    I'd probably have to agree with Marie: we've all been there. However, some people find something offensive out of almost anything.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Or always negative. I think they suck at life!

  8. I'll hop on board. Sounds like the perfect plan to me. :D


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