Hi folks. I'm not dead. At least not at the moment.
I was gonna title this "Rambling", but I don't ramble. I stumble. And usually crash into something.
But I have been doing things. Some things here and there.
I've managed to stay out of prison. I've managed not to insult too many people. I did make a few people mad because I really have a hard time multi-tasking (when it involves juggling 23,456 different tasks).
I remembered that I like Hostess Cupcakes. The chocolate one. I don't care if you don't know what they are, or if you don't like them, or can't get them because that simply means more cupcakes for me.
I also eat a lot of fast food with this business I'm working on. You can't do too well eating a Quiznos if you're driving, unless you like sharing your food with your pants. White Castle burgers are pretty ok, but they do tend to leak ketchup when you bite 'em, which is something the pants aren't happy with. I went to a Boston Market for chicken. They didn't happen. That's like a pizzeria not having pizza, ya know?
I was kinda disappointed with American Idol this season. I didn't even keep up my Idol blog too well. Now they say the voting was rigged. I didn't care too much.
Ever hang around someone who is non-stop cynical? Everything is a government plot, or corporate corruption, or a rip-off...you know the type. You tend to non-talk around 'em, don't ya? One guy told me he won't use E-Z Pass. Says he doesn't want the government tracking him. I told him, "Dude, you're not that interesting. The government has better things to do than falling asleep tracking your progress."
I found a new way to deal with another kind of people...the ones who somehow find a reason to interrupt everyone else who might be talking because their stories are so much more interesting. I deal with them now by saying, "Shut up, so-and-so was talking you blithering ignoramus."
It works. Go figure.
I love those ever-decreasing minutes I have with my kids. They like me and I like them back. We have fun together.
I'm officially not a crutches user now. I have a very cool cane that my kids bought for my birthday. I'm hottt.
Someone told me I'm crazy not to have surgery. I asked him if he'd be willing to pay for it. End of conversation.
I've driven way too much lately. Not good. I promised not to rant and rave about all the bad drivers anymore. That puts a lot of pressure on me.
There's a good reason not to drink spoiled milk. It tastes yucky. And it makes you feel ungood. If it stinks, don't drink it.
Which reminds me of the best medical advice I've heard in years: A commercial on TV said, "If you're allergic to AstePro, don't use it." That's beyond awesome, right?
I'm on Twitter. It's over there on the right. Foller me! I'll foller ya back.
I'm determined to visit your blogs soon. Really soon. So write up! I'll need cool things to read.
Love you all.