I have to keep trying to make things better. I have to get rid of some bad habits, and look closely at something I need to embrace.
This prayer has to become my guiding force:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can;and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next.Amen.
Now as wonderful as that prayer is, I don't think it has to apply exclusively to the profound things in life. I think a good part of our existence involves very simple, ordinary things to deal with. Our days seldom consist of life-changing decisions, and getting to the heart of the matter in the simplest ways can determine the course of our lives.
For me, a lot of my time is spent sorting out mundane, silly things. Things that are definitely not worth a lot of time, and paying undue attention to those banalities can distract me from what is important.
I have to accept some things, if for no other reason than I simply cannot change them. They become big because I let them get big. Time to squash 'em back down.
Things such as:
- A lot of people don't stand by their word. That's sad, but it's a truism.
- Selfish, obnoxious people demand more attention than they're worth. I'll work on giving them their due. And paying attention where I should.
- You cannot make people do what they don't want to do. Trying to do that is unethical and wrong. But there are people who insist on that as a way of life, and do not see that as wrong. That's their problem. I have to worry about being decent and honest, and that should take enough of my time.
- There are a lot of women in my life who make very bad decisions with their love lives. Time and again. It's not my job to change that. It's my job to be there when things don't work out. Again.
- Reality Television isn't going away. There are enough other options to enjoy. Although I am getting to be too much of a forensics expert.
- I need to love the people who love me for me. There's nothing more valuable. My life has recently shown me how important the ones who stick by you are.
I need to love unconditionally.
I need to accept that life can't always be all good.
I will cherish the time that others give to me.
I will always make time to thank those who make me feel as though I matter.
I will do my best to do things that assure that I matter.
I will stop apologizing for who I am. The ones who appreciate me far outshine those who would look for perfection.
I think those resolutions are ok, no?