Saturday, September 30, 2006

I'm Grumpy

I'm grouchy tonight. Nothing major, just very disagreeable. The following is a list of my opinions on various topics, as expressed only when I'm in a grouchy mood.

For instance, Esquire Magazine selected Scarlett Johansson as "The Sexiest Woman Alive."

Sorry. Don't agree.

She's beautiful alright, and hell, when you look, you can actually see that she is standing there, unlike so many of the Walking Lollipops who are populating Hollywood these days.

I mean, take a look over there on the left. That's Scarlett.
Now take a look over here on the right: i That's Nicole Richie.

But I'm grumpy, and there are a whole bunch of women out there that I'd consider so much "sexier".

And I have noticed, more and more, that radio stations
are filling their air-time with tons of music from the 80's
and 90's. Friday night on one station is 80's Night,
till midnight, and then the other station plays
Weekend 90's.
Couldn't be because contemporary music SUCKS now, could it?

I am, by nature, non-violent.

Just not my style. But the next mumble-mouth who starts spouting off about President George Bush is gonna get hit, hard.

Not because I'm the leader of the Bush Fan Club, or anything like that. Nope. I'm just sick of listening to the same bullshit rhetoric, day in and day out. He's the President until the next election. Can we talk about something else, now?

Now before any idiots come in here and start a Bush rant, I said it is NOT because I am the leader of the Bush fan club. It has nothing to do with my political affiliations. It's because I don't like repetitive babble. If everyone around me was babbling about Justin Timberlake, saying the same shit for 4 years, then I would have used Timberlake's name instead of Bush.


(Oh, and I think Timberlake sucks too. That new CD bored the ever-lovin shit out of me. Cookie-cutter techno-pop. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.)

My attitude comes, in part, because three of the biggest damned whiners I know didn't vote in the last election.

You didn't vote? Shut up then.

Simple as that.

Dane Cook, in my opinion, is great. My friend Cassie turned me on to this guy, and I watched his HBO Special "Dane Cook: Vicious Circle". Laughed my ass off.

That's right, my ass fell right on the floor.

The guy is funny, and his humor is creative and original. Meaning it's comedy above 3rd-grade toilet humor level.

About damned time.

I think the next time the revise the "Endangered Species List", I think we should add "Integrity" to it.

Ginormous is just a dumb word. We're inventing bullshit words every day. The only good thing is, there are only so many combinations of the letters of the alphabet. Granted, it's a huge amount of combinations, but eventually, every one will be used up. And we'll have no more words to invent.

Then the idiots will invent new letters of the alphabet.

It used to be necessary to warn kids about copying from the Internet when doing schoolwork, because plagiarism is wrong.

Now you have to warn them that most of the shit that's returned by the search engines is completely wrong.

If you want to see what I mean, browse around Yahoo's "Yahoo Answers" pages.

OK one last bitch:

I see a lot of forums, blogs, and journals where someone will ask for help with a problem, you know "where can I get one of these" or "how do I make one of those" and then, in the feedback, reply, or comments section, I'll see a whole pile of people contributing things along the lines of "I have no idea" or "I don't know, let me know when you find out".

Why would you write that?

In most situations, if you don't know the answer, you keep quiet, right? I mean, when the teacher asked a question in class, you didn't raise your hand to give "I don't know" as an answer, right? If you didn't know, you kept your mouth shut!

But seriously, when someone posts a request for help, why would you enter a comment that isn't the answer?

I'm curious.

OK night.


  1. Bravo, get grumpy more often (if you enjoy it, that is)! I am so with you on most of these. The others I'll just let trail away. AFter all, I don't want you grumpy with me.

  2. Well, in response to your LAST question..."I don't know why someone would do that".

    No clue.

    No freakin' idea.

    But please get back to me when you find out.


    PS. Remember that thing about not sweating the small stuff?
    Nah, me neither.
    : )

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. To answer your last question
    The economic per capita of xxyandz is a number too big to comprehend...


    I dont know why people do that...the only answer I could even fathom is...because...????

    Sorry probably didnt help with the grumpiness.

    Great post though! And I just couldnt agree more with the Scarlett part...NOT Not the far.

    and to end at the beginning:
    I find it so engulfing when one can have a 3 minute moment as such!(hey engulfing is still better than amazing right?)

    Okay running now!

  5. Anonymous4:03 PM


  6. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I'm Happy! and sometimes Sleepy but I don't know why people give non advice to obvious Help Me Blog entries. I guess that's why I never ask opinions or help on my blog because either I will get an "I don't know" or something I definitely don't want to hear since I already know all the answers to all my questions and if I don't know the answer I keep my mouth shut...even to myself.
    Okay..I've been stupid long enough in your comment section.


  7. I completely Agree with you about Scarlett - THANK YOU FOR SAYING IT Lol

    TV pisses me off in general most nights, but even with my cell phone people think I'm "bizarre" (which I am, but not because of my phone) But they find me bizarre for the phone, because it's PLAIN the only "extra" it has, is text messaging. No camera, no videos, no MP3 player no fancy schmancy ringtones. Just a phone and a leather case.

    Hey, I say Ginormous. But I say a lot of goofy things. because, I'm goofy. I have my own language "Loonese" So I'm allowed to say such things :D

    Why people leave comments to say they don't know? Well, it's one thing if they say I don't know about that, BUT if you try ____ it may help too. That would be useful. But to just leave it as "I don't know" is just to take up space in your comments and your mailbox, basically LOL

  8. PS

    Dane Cook, in my opinion, is great.

    I agree! I too want 'acidy spit' as Dane does LOL

    I think the next time the revise the "Endangered Species List", I think we should add "Integrity" to it.


    It has nothing to do with my political affiliations. It's because I don't like repetitive babble. If everyone around me was babbling about Justin Timberlake, saying the same shit for 4 years, then I would have used Timberlake's name instead of Bush.


    (Oh, and I think Timberlake sucks too. That new CD bored the ever-lovin shit out of me. Cookie-cutter techno-pop. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.)

    Preach Onnn Brotha!!! :)


I love comments. I won't lie about that!