Monday, October 23, 2006

Pet Peevage

If you read this:

Free Laptop - No JokeAnswer our 5 question survey and we'll ship you a free laptop!

what do you expect to have to do?

You go, you answer 5 questions, they ship you a laptop, right?

It's like this: if the ad says "free" but there is "participation required" you are getting screwed. Plain and simple. The only thing you might ever get for free, with no strings attached, is homebaked cookies from Grandma. (you get 'em from Mom too, but you have to do chores). I just think this "free" shit needs to be reigned in. If I advertise a lotion guaranteed to make you beautiful, but send you a vial of Crisco Oil, someone will come and yell at me. If I say "free lotion" that gets included in the box with the 321321 offers you have to buy to get it, no one cares.

I really hate that shit.

And again with the Campaign ads. These friggin morons have really gone over the top with the attack ads.



Stop telling me what a piece of shit your opponent is, and tell me what a piece of shit you AREN'T.

That might get you a vote.

The way these damn campaigns are being run, by Election day I feel as though I'm given a choice between Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer.

I very much want to see a woman elected President in my lifetime. I really do. Just not Hilary Clinton. I think that the first woman who becomes US President will have earned an incredible honor, and will have set a new standard. I just don't think Hilary Clinton is the one I want my grandchildren reading about in their History books.

And protests are tired now. The 60's are over, and these Viet Nam War style protests are a waste of time. People who agree with you pay attention, people who don't agree with you ignore you. It's frustrating, I know, but it's true. You handcuff yourself to a door, the cops come, you get 30 seconds on the news, you go to jail, you're forgotten. Sad, but true.

Oh well. Wonder if I could sell myself on Ebay?


  1. OK...
    1) I hate that falso free crap probably just as much as you.
    2) I couln't agree more on the campaign tactics. Makes me not wanna vote...but I can't do that.
    3) I do like Hillary. And I'd vote for her. Sorry.
    4) Protests unfortunately don't work too well...nor do movie, celebrities, etc that preach a belief. They just get more support from people who aleady agree with them. Unfortunate.
    5) Yes, you surely could.

    Nancy : )

  2. You could sell yourself for a FORTUNE on Ebay. All you need to do is have the Virgin Mary tattooed on your back.

  3. LOL great entry today. I'm with you 110% on the not so free "freebies" and the candidates showing how seedy the other is, which leaves room to wonder how seedy is this one for worrying so much about that one, lol. I do not like Hillary Clinton one iota besides she's already been president right? lol. Protests really are just a waste of time and tax payer dollars, time because people will ignore you if they do not agree and dollars because well the cops do have to be dispatched to bust up the protest so they are pointless and I'm quite sure you would get sold on Ebay!

  4. Awww man I had a great comment already but then the dang thing timed out while posting it. Okay here goes again in shorter version. I agree with you 110% on the not so free freebies. The campaign tactics totally suck, it's like "wait a minute, how productive can you really be when you're too busy spending all your time and energy into focusing on how badly they suck. I do not like Hillary Clinton one iota and besides hasn't she already been president? lol. Protest are definitely a waste of time and tax payer dollars for the sole reasons that you waste a lot of time protesting when your efforts could possibly be used elsewhere and tax payer money because the cops have to come bust it up and yes I definitely think you could sell yourself on Ebay!

  5. Awww man I had a great comment already but then the dang thing timed out while posting it. Okay here goes again in shorter version. I agree with you 110% on the not so free freebies. The campaign tactics totally suck, it's like "wait a minute, how productive can you really be when you're too busy spending all your time and energy into focusing on how badly they suck. I do not like Hillary Clinton one iota and besides hasn't she already been president? lol. Protest are definitely a waste of time and tax payer dollars for the sole reasons that you waste a lot of time protesting when your efforts could possibly be used elsewhere and tax payer money because the cops have to come bust it up and yes I definitely think you could sell yourself on Ebay!

  6. Anonymous8:51 PM

    I agree.. Hillary should NOT ever be in charge of anything...let alone a country..geeesh..


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