Monday, October 02, 2006


I finally got to catch an episode of "The View" today. What I came away wondering was, why do they bother to have guests on the show? These hosts didn't shut up for a minute; they would ask the guests questions, and then pretty much answer them themselves.

This being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, there were a couple of guests I would have liked to have heard from, but they barely got a word in edgewise.

I did manage to see some worthwhile information, and thought I'd pass along the links.
Warriors in Pink Ford's program for Breast Cancer Awareness
The Virtual Quilt Add a patch of your own to the Breast Cancer Awareness Quilt.
Clean For The Cure a cool partership with Oreck Vacuums

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    We have a local radio station that gives away mamograms during this month. They get entries and then 4 lucky females get to go in a ride in a mamosine to the Breast Center and then they are given Booby Prizes. After they are "squeezed" they get to go in the mamosine to lunch at a local restuarant. Isn't that clever?


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